MIRA USA supports Ecuadorian Consulate Mobile service day in Charlotte

MIRA USA supports Ecuadorian Consulate Mobile service day in Charlotte

Charlotte, NC –  Last weekend on March 12 and 13, A group of Miraistas put on their blue shirts and collaborated with the Ecuadorian Consulate Mobile services during their visit to Charlotte, NC .

Click here to see pictures of the event.

The Foundation called “La Casa Del Ecuatoriano Foundation” hosted the event and for the past years, this foundation is responsible for coordinating the consulate’s visit under the supervisor Araceley Pacheco.

The volunteer group of MIRA-USA attended to various tasks including organizing the attendees, arranging tickets shifts, reviewing documents for the processing of passports, capabilities and registering Ecuadorians to vote for their upcoming elections.

“The consulate event was held successfully, thanks to the volunteers that the MIRA-USA organization provided, the volunteers came with no self-interest,” Pacheco said. “They came to La Casa Del Ecuatoriano Foundation to work hand in hand for long hours and giving their best to the Ecuadorian community.” 

MIRA USA –Charlotte for the past four years have participated in these task as a part of its mission to help the benefit and development of the immigrant community in the United States 

The two-day activity took place in a meeting room of an apartment complex south of the city.