MIRA USA conducted its first "Training for Small Contractors and Construction Companies" in the city of New York
New York- On May 20 and 27,2016 in the La Guardia Community College, the “Training for Contractors and Small Companies Construction” was held, in order to guide immigrants contractors who are linked to the recruitment system government agencies and give them knowledge of the great benefits that are available for them.
Click here to see pictures of the event.
About 52 participants attended the training. Elizabeth Perdomo, who is in charge of the program “Small Business Transportation Resource Center” at the same academic center, gave the introduction to the training.
As part of the training,there was a group of panelists who are part of the permanent staff of La Guardia Community College. Some of the panelist included: Engineer, Edgar Hernandez, director of the program “Technical Assistance Center Procurement”, who explained in detail the steps to contract with the government; and Engineer Gerald Sammarco, instructor and director of “Construction and Building Management” program, which is part of the same institution and who with his extensive experience explained the theme of “Bidding and Budgets”.
MIRA USA, each day strives in helping immigrants achieve their goals in the United States.